There are millions of empty stores that are empty because there are no customers to buy because there are no paychecks because there are no jobs because there are no more factories that millions of people used to work in and got paid honest wages. And the honest workers could pay the taxes that the government uses to fund the people who open the factories to provide the jobs to provide the paychecks to create customers to buy at un-empty stores. Hello! What is so complicated about that!We start with the farmers who grow the bamboo, the cotton, the wool and many other living organisms that produce fabric. Now there's an opportunity for some new jobs.
Then the construction workers who build the factories and maintenance people that maintain the factories. Now there's an opportunity for some new jobs!
Then we can have factories that build the machines to weave the fabric. Now there's an opportunity for some new jobs!
Then there are the factory workers who run the machines to weave the fabric. Now there's an opportunity for some new jobs!
Just apply this method to any other consumer product that you can think of and then there will be jobs.
As long as we take pride in our work, and buy American Made, we can revive our economy.
It is time we look back and learn from history:
"The factory system, which eventually replaced the domestic system and became the characteristic method of production in modern economies, began to develop in the late 18th century, when a series of inventions transformed the British textile industry and marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Among the most important of these inventions were the flying shuttle patented (1733) by John Kay, the spinning jenny (1764) of James Hargreaves, the water frame for spinning (1769) of Sir Richard Arkwright, the spinning mule (1779) of Samuel Crompton, and the power loom (1785) of Edmund Cartwright. These inventions mechanized many of the hand processes involved in spinning and weaving, making it possible to produce textiles much more quickly and cheaply. Many of the new machines were too large and costly for them to be used at home, however, and it became necessary to move production into factories" SEE ARTICLE
Thank you for visiting, and thank you, service men and women for your part in defending our country and our freedom. God Bless You! You are awesome!
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