April 30, 2011

Decorating on a Shoestring

You can give any room a new look by just tossing around a few pillows here and there. 

My latest creative surge has sent me sifting through my scrap bag to see what fabric will make some pillows that can possibly be just the lift a room might need or just a soft place to go to when life is getting just a bit rough. A pillow with a favorite character, flowers, birds, or any favorite animal is a great gift.  How about that graduation gift that you'll soon need, or a bridal shower gift to encourage the bride and groom to soft pillow fights for fun. Here are some of my latest projects.

Click on the pictures to see where to buy.


Today I finished sewing a pillow together any small child will love. Blue Jean Teddy Bear, still waiting to be stuffed,  edged with eyelet gathered to give a very finished and decorative touch.

When my baby was still a baby (17 years ago) she loved fingering the eyelet edge on the little quilt I made her when she was falling asleep. That eyelet edge was her favorite part of the blanket.

(From Mommy's Brag Book - Sorry this is not for sale).

Next time you lay your head on your favorite pillow, let it remind you of the promise of God in His holy word,  that you can "Give all your cares to Him, because He cares for you". 1 Peter 5:7

April 16, 2011

Family, Church, School

"Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
 One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts". Psalm 145:3-4

I have a break from my school for a few weeks. Thank you, Lord. My thoughts are on my baby's high school graduation and what that means for her as well as myself.  She is a beautiful young lady who excels in everything she does. She has been in band, volleyball, track, honor society. Am I bragging? I think I am just a bit.  In just a little over a month she will have a new "hall pass" to independence. Me? I have a celebration to plan and so there are announcements, food menus, decorations, and entertainment to plan.
As we plan a celebration for graduation,  my two older children are blessing me with two more grandchildren. Then I will have six grandchildren. God is growing my family by leaps and bounds! The blessings are incredible. I just wanted to take a minute to thank God for all of His many blessings and wish the same for each and every one of you!