April 28, 2009

Never alone


"Are you terrified of being alone? Does an empty house or apartment cause you to switch on the television, radio or CD player just to create some sound? Here's a truth that will take time to appreciate: The more intimate your relationship with God, the more comfortable you'll be when you're alone. That's because a person in a deep, heartfelt relationship with God interprets aloneness as solitude. Solitude is time spent alone with God. When you invite God into your life, you'll begin to sense a real, palpable presence. In the quiet, in the solitude, God will speak to you. He will do it through his Word, the Bible, or impressions or leading. You won't hear an audible voice. If you want a personal, intimate relationship with God, you have to make time to be alone with him. As that relationship grows, your aloneness will turn into solitude. You'll begin to understand that you are never really alone."

From www.inspiration-for-singles.com
If you are a returning visitor to my blog, you will see that I have been taking a break from sewing these past couple of months. I have two jobs that I, thankfully, have been working many hours at, while the opportunity is here. They are such a blessing right now. So with the short amounts of time available, I have daily bible readings online, via my yahoo reader, and browse the web for inspiration, to help grow my relationships with God, family and friends. Tonight I stumbled upon a very good web site for singles looking for encouragement and inspiration in times of need. www.inspiration-for-singles.com

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